
Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All

I finally found a type of book that I can handle listening too. I get so drowsy listening to books on tape (or CD or MP#, etc - they'll always be books on tape to me.) They just aren't for me. They just weren't for me. A coworker recommended this book in a meeting and so I added the book to my library queue. But there was a wait list, so I decided to add the book on tape too, just to see which came in first. The audio came in first, so I gave it a shot. And I got all the way through. I think because it is business talk, it is facts and research, it is a discussion - it is interesting. The author is the narrator, he's a former professor - he is accustomed to speaking to a crowd (of students) and keeping their attention, keeping them awake. 

The book itself. Wow, I learned so much. It is interesting to listen to the histories of so many of these companies (did you know that Southwest Airlines has never had a year in the red? But did you also know that their business model, everything that they started with was 100% based upon another company? A company that eventually failed? True story.)  I've put his other puts in my queue and can't wait to see what I learn from them.

If you are into business books or into learning about how others have succeeded, I recommend this book.


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