

wow i cant believe i'm the first one posting on this, i got on the blog to see what caprene thought since she is a SPEED READER!! i'm sure a few of you have already finished and just haven't had time to post so i'll be the first. :-)

TORN-that's how i feel!!! it keep me turning the pages, but it was different then i expected and i want more. i feel like there were some loose ends and i hate that in the last book of a trilogy. It should END! and give you closer with ALL of the characters. but i still have to chalk it up as....LOVED. cuz i did.

next book for me... FIRE.


Caprene said...

I actually haven't read any of these books yet. Because I speed read (I read 6 books last week on my vacation, stay posted for the posts) - I wanted to have all three to read at once. I have two other series to read in the next few weeks before they are due back to the library... and then stayed tuned.

Gina said...

Caprene - just rub it in a little more that you speed read mmmk? Us slow readers just aren't as cool. Just kidding ;O

Lisa - you just really wanted to be the first to post on this book, didn't you? Congrats :) I'm still finishing City of Glass (because I'm righteous and reading the BOM too, ok?), so I'm letting Anthony start this book first. It will be a couple weeks before I can read it. :( But I'm a good wife like that . . . so. Hide yo kids. Hide yo wives. And hide yo husbands.

stephani said...

i havent read any of these yet either. maybe after the book thief? gosh, i am so behind.
the book thief was so 2009..

Jamie said...

I loved it too but I hate how sad it is too. And the ending should have been longer. That's the best part. I loved the twists. Peeta, her getting hurt, coin etc etc. Good book, sad it's all over

dave + kirst said...

Lisa- I LOVED 'Fire.' Hope you do too :)