
A False Dawn

I love thrillers. Always have, probably always will. Send me a nice spooky mysterious thriller and I am one happy girl. And this one delivered. And THANK GOODNESS it delivered! I've been reading so many bombs lately that this one was a great change.

Description: O’Brien made a promise to his dead wife, Sherri, that he was through with crime investigation. It was a promise he meant to keep. When he makes a second promise to the brutally beaten girl, it’s one he believes the local authorities will keep. Since the victim is a “nobody,” he finds he can’t count on them to pursue justice. Torn between his two promises, O’Brien is irrevocably plunged into the cold, lethal world of human trafficking and sexual slavery, where a brilliant killer believes he is working for the greater good, and will alter his evil plan to include O’Brien.

Written with just enough heart, just enough mystery, just enough fiesty characters, just enough sadness to make this such a fun read. I recommend it if you are looking for a good thriller with a little bit of everything thrown in.

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