
Sundays at Tiffany's

The writing style was very similar to The Time Traveler's Wife. I also found a lot of similarities in the story. Same kind of relationship (little girl having a friendship with a middle aged man who she ends up falling in love with years later when she is an adult). Same sense of "yeah right" (instead of the man being a time traveler he is an imaginary friend). And, just like I liked The Time Traveler's Wife, I really liked this book. It had some language and 1 sex scene that was quite tame.

The story: Jane is a little girl with a father who doesn't see her often and a mother who sees her but doesn't pay attention to her. So she has an imaginary friend, Michael, who she eats ice cream with and who is kind of a father figure to her. Then he leaves and tells her she won't remember him but she does. Years later, when she is in her 30s, he comes into her life again. And that's where the love story begins. Really sweet, really thoughtful, a good read.
Up next, The Book Thief.

1 comment:

ariel said...

rachel, let me know if you like the book thief!