
Firefly Lane


First, a quick note to Ariel, or to anyone who may notice that I read a lot of books. There are a many reasons, here's just a few:
*I was an English and Spanish major in college which entailed LOTS of reading, a book a night many semesters, so I read quickly.
*This summer, when I realized I was going to be going back for another degree in the fall (now) and that I wouldn't have a whole lot of time for reading, I read 3-5, often more, books a week hoping to get in my fill. I thought being in school would limit my reading time, but I am still finding time. Thought I'm down to a book a week.
*I am impatient and want to know the whole story now (TV series on DVD are equally dangerous for me), so I'll have sleepless nights because I can't put a book down.
*Oh, and finally, I'm single with no kids. Really, that says it all doesn't it? =)

This week's book: Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. This is a book I found on the NY Times Best Seller list. As a warning, I would give this book a PG-13 rating for language and sexual content. Though I am single, and the sexual content wasn't that detailed, so really, it didn't bother me, nor did it make me hot and bothered (OK, TMI?) I hate to keep comparing to Nicholas Sparks, and I really am going to write a review very soon about a book I read of his this summer that I absolutely LOVED and recommend and it had no sex at all. This book, Firefly Lane - not a Nicholas Sparks type of novel, so you are again safe if you don't mind some swear words once in a while.

Why did I like this book so much? Maybe I related to it a bit. It's a story of two best friends that takes place over their lifetimes. It starts with the days of their youth in the 1970s and continues through today. One friend is a single professional and the other is a stay at home mom. One is always comparing her life to the others, you know, what the one has the other wishes she herself had, you know, typical girlfriend behavior. It is the roller coaster ride of Kate and Tully's friendship. It made me upset in parts, jealous in parts, tearful in parts, laughing in others. It really is an emotional, fun story. I would definitely recommend it - just not for a ward enrichment book club if you catch my drift? I hope some of you do take the chance to read this story. I think a lot of you moms, especially new moms, may find some strength from the story too. I'm returning my copy to the library tomorrow, so hopefully someone picks it up quick.


ariel said...

this sounds like something i would like. do you always check books out from the library? you go through so many!

Caprene said...

I am an avid library user. I have to admit, I still have my Salt Lake City Library card, and I love that I can request books on their website, get an email when they are ready and just pick them up. And if I need to keep it a little longer, if it's not on hold, I can renew online too. They probably have the same system with the Davis Co libraries too? I have a card, but haven't used it yet.

I read a lot more because I'm not worried about spending the money on books. I don't reread books, so I was wasting money buying so many just to then give them to the DI. And plus if I don't like it, I don't have to finish it, I can just return it, no questions asked.
(I am a germ-o-phobe, but try not to think about it when I get a library book.)

Rachel said...

The germs just get to me. I know it's irrational, but I just can't handle it (literally).