
Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters

Another sequel, this time finishing the series. I make no secret of being a fan of Shannon's books. It's great supporting a local author, especially such a talented one. I really liked the original Princess Academy (which, by the way, if you are a local in Utah, BYU is performing a stage version of the book. Get your tickets here: http://arts.byu.edu/events/princess-academy-2/) . The first sequel, Palace of Stone, I thought was written more for an adult audience than a kid or young teen. The Forgotten Sisters returns to that perfect for the young teen audience that the original tale was written for. 

As an adult reading, yes, I figured the story out before the book reveals some of the secrets, but the young reader may not. I figure Princess Academy found it's following of young girls, who then read Palace of Stone 10 years, written for their current age group, and now they can read The Forgotten Sisters to their younger sisters or nieces... I don't imagine they have children old enough to read it to. It hasn't been another 10 years.

I've enjoyed all three. I recommend them for a teenage audience, not the preteen.


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