

In three words I deem this book: original, eccentric, and FUN.

How about that book cover, huh?!  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout.

This book was really fun to read.  I LOVED the main character: Katsa.  She was one tough chick.  I mean just look at the picture of her on the book cover.  Come on.  This book has already been reviewed and recapped here, so I won't go into detail on the summary.  The only thing this book lacked was a strong love theme.  For me, personally, the love story was a little weak - but the interesting Katsa made up for it.  Her character never had a dull moment - I was constantly intrigued and entertained by her grace and personality.  So not only do I want to be Katniss, I now want to be Katsa mmmk? :)

4 out of 5 stars


Gina said...


I'm now reading MATCHED by Ally Condie.


ariel said...

this is so not the cover of my copy! wowzer. i loved this book. and i sorta loved the love story too.