
The House at Riverton

I hate to label this as only liked, because I more than liked the story, but didn't love the story. So I'd like to first state that I really liked this book.

Where The Help is a story of servitude in the 1960's US south, this is a story of English servitude at the start of the 20th century. Another eye opener for me. It's fascinating for me to read of the closed mindedness of some people, and it goes both ways: how some people look both down at others and how others look up at people.

There does seem to be an abundance of flashback novels on the shelves these days, this is no different, as our main character looks back at her life, as she tells the truth, how events really did unfold leading to the end of the Ashbury family dynasty. She tells of the twisted, imperfect reality of the family members. She shows how real people are, that is once you lower them down from that silly, undeserving pedestal they can be placed on and really look at them.

I just really enjoyed the characters in the story, as they learned not only about one another, but as they look in the mirror and understand themselves.

One review compared the story to The 13th Tale. I wouldn't go that far, it wasn't that dark and that much of a page turner. But it does contain twists and surprises throughout the story. I really liked it.


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